Influence of ethanol on the human serum level of beta-hexosaminidase.

Serum activities of the lysosomal enzymes beta-hexosaminidase, alpha-fucosidase and alpha-mannosidase in teetotalers, healthy persons with 'ordinary' alcohol consumption, chronic alcoholics and patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis were compared. There was no difference between controls and teetotalers, whereas serum from chronic alcoholics and patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis showed a significant increase of lysosomal enzymes compared to controls and teetotalers. The effect of daily alcohol ingestion on the serum activity of lysosomal enzymes was studied in 9 healthy volunteers. A minor but significant increase was found for beta-hexosaminidase. It is concluded that the increase of lysosomal enzyme activity in serum from alcoholics is due to the liver dysfunction.