Development of Life-Cycle Inventory of Emerging Asphalt Pavement Technologies and Life-Cycle Evaluation System in China

The Ministry of Transportation of the People’s Republic of China (CMOT) targets at “establishing the transportation system with the characteristic of low carbon in China” during “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” (2010-2015). With that target, emerging technologies of pavement recycling, asphalt rubber (AR) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) are widely used now in China for the construction and maintenance of asphalt pavement. In this research, the framework and the evaluation system of energy conservation and emission reduction for asphalt pavement were developed based on life cycle assessment (LCA). Through investigation, the life cycle inventory (LCI), mainly consisting of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission during construction of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement as well as pavement recycling, AR and WMA pavement were obtained. In order to check out the data quality, the uncertainty analysis of obtained results was carried out. The environmental efficiency of emerging asphalt pavement technologies was compared. Meanwhile, to promote the widespread use of the research fruits, the software of Energy and Emission Evaluation System (EEES) was developed on the basis of the established LCI data. The results show that, among the processes of conventional HMA pavement construction, the mixing process consumes the most energy, while the processes of paving and compaction consume much less. Based on the life cycle assessment, the pavement cold recycling, hot in-place recycling and AR technologies have significant benefits of energy conservation and emission reduction. Furthermore not all types of WMA technologies have the environmental benefits. The chemistry agent and mechanical foaming WMA technologies have significant benefits while the Zeolite technology even consumes more energy than HMA.