On the notions of causality and complementarity.
Note: Chapter I of the syllabus (especially section I.2) gives good background information for this article. 1) Try to present the logical structure of Bohr's paper. What does he want to tell us? What is the main idea he wants to get across? Answer these questions by giving a short summary of the paper. Answer in this summary the following question: How does Bohr view quantum mechanics? What is according to him its aim and what kind of picture does it give us of nature? 2) What would Bohr mean by the 'individuality of atomic processes', first mentioned on page 313? 3) Bohr has a specific view on what role common language plays in physics. Both on page 313 and 317 he refers to this. Try to formulate what this view is. 4) What is for Bohr a causal description and why can there be no such description of atomic phenomena? 5) What is the complementary mode of description (mentioned on page 314 and 317)? 6) Bohr distinghuises different kinds of objects in quantum mechanics. What are they and what role do they play in the theory?