The Quality Control of Diagnostic Radiology Devices in Hospitals of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

One of the most significant factors in decreasing the radiation exposure dose is quality control and making sure of the quality of radiological devices. The aim of this study is to consider the quality control of nine radiological device in nine hospitals in Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran, so that the question can be answered whether radiological devices are in the best efficiency conditions or not and to assure about their appropriate function. This study was performed cross-sectional in the year 2009, and the DIAVOLT and the dosimeter device named DIADOSE made by PTW's company were used for conduction quality control experiment. For making this experiment practical, various parameters of quality control programs as output repeatability of X-ray tube, time accuracy, time repeatability, output linearity with mA, voltage accuracy, adapting the optical field with radiation field, being vertical of radiation field on the film and the filtration of the concerned devices based on the analyzable standards are implemented. Our finding reveals that six out of the nine devices have not the required standards for voltage accuracy and need mending. In addition, all the nine devices have defects concerning adaptation with optical field and radiation field and one of the devices has not also sufficient filtration. The quality control of the utilized radiological devices should be performed periodically and regularly and the defects of the devices should be removed in order to be assured of the appropriate function of the devices. Unfortunately, all the devices need mending because of lack of implementing the quality control program regularly, which indicates that the quality control programs should be extended regularly.