Prototyping Object Specifications Using the CO-Nets Approach

The CO-Nets approach, that we are developing, is an object oriented Petri net-based framework for specifying as well as prototyping|through graphical animation accompanied by a concurrent computation based on its semantics expressed in rewriting logic|distributed information systems. Taking bene ts of these (validation) capabilities, we presents how prototyping and implementation of systems speci ed using widely accepted information systems languages, namely the Troll language, can be directly drawn up. This is mainly achieved through an intuitive translation of such speci cations into the CO-Nets approach where graphical animation and formal computation are carried out. Moreover, because of the capabilities of the CO-Nets approach for conceiving such systems as autonomous but yet cooperative components, it becomes semantically sound to enrich these languages with syntactical constructions for more modularity leading to more e cient rapid-prototyping.