CSF1R inhibitor JNJ-40346527 attenuates microglial proliferation and neurodegeneration in P301S mice

Microglia have been implicated in amyloid beta-induced neuropathology, but their role in tau-induced neurodegeneration remains unclear. Mancuso et al. report that blockade of microglial proliferation by CSF1R inhibitor JNJ-40346527 modifies brain inflammation and ameliorates disease progression in P301S tauopathy mice. CSF1R inhibition may have therapeutic potential in tau-mediated neurodegenerative diseases.

Caleb Webber | Guy B. Williams | Mara Cercignani | Richard Reynolds | Federico Turkheimer | Alejo Nevado-Holgado | Manfred G Kitzbichler | Edward T Bullmore | Jonathan Cavanagh | Guy B Williams | Scott Farmer | Tobias C. Wood | Mary-Ellen Lynall | Karen H. Adams | Stuart Clare | Thomas Möller | Simon Lovestone | Hans Eriksson | Diana Cash | Marta M Correia | Nisha Singh | Gareth J Barker | Junaid Bhatti | Neil A Harrison | Gayle Wittenberg | Laura Winchester | Madeleine Cleal | Annamaria Cattaneo | Carmine M Pariante | Valeria Mondelli | C. Webber | V. Perry | J. Isaac | E. Bullmore | F. Turkheimer | B. Widmer | P. Cowen | P. Vértes | M. Lynall | M. Kitzbichler | W. Drevets | G. Barker | S. Clare | C. Pariante | S. Lovestone | N. Harrison | A. Morgan | G. Williams | M. Cercignani | R. Balice-Gordon | A. Gee | L. Winchester | T. Möller | J. Richardson | J. Obst | R. Mancuso | D. Gomez-Nicola | R. Reynolds | Christian Thomsen | L. Pointon | S. Zorn | T. Jacobs | A. Nevado-Holgado | S. Hurley | M. Correia | A. Cattaneo | N. Mariani | V. Mondelli | J. Duerr | H. Mount | F. Gastambide | Madeleine Cleal | J. Cavanagh | G. Wittenberg | Shahid Khan | J. Cavanagh | A. Mudher | Jimena Monzón-Sandoval | M. Nettis | H. Kolb | J. O'Connor | N. Plath | A. Bhattacharya | D. Cash | V. Perry | B. Morgan | Dominika Wlazły | P. de Boer | M. Attenburrow | E. Ribe | A. Baird | T. Wood | Samuel Touchard | C. O’Hagan | R. Reynolds | C. Parker | Nisha Singh | C. Thomsen | Wayne C Drevets | Diego Gomez-Nicola | V Hugh Perry | J. Nye | M. Vicente-Rodríguez | Philip Cowen | Tobias C Wood | Jill Richardson | P. Hyslop | Juliane Obst | Alison Baird | Christine A Parker | B Paul Morgan | J. Egebjerg | Antony Gee | H. Eriksson | C. Simmons | Declan N C Jones | Anindya Bhattacharya | Christian Thomsen | Linda J Pointon | Rita Balice-Gordon | Niels Plath | Claire A Leckey | Andrew McPherson | Renzo Mancuso | Gemma Fryatt | Elena Pipi | Jimena Monzón-Sandoval | Elena Ribe | Alejo Nevado | Tom Jacobs | Nigel Austin | Clara Theunis | Karolien Grauwen | Eva Daniela Ruiz | Amrit Mudher | Marta Vicente-Rodriguez | Camilla Simmons | Edward T Junaid Samuel J Marta M Anna L Amber Andrew C Ma Bullmore Bhatti Chamberlain Correia Crofts | Samuel J Chamberlain | Anna L Crofts | Amber Dickinson | Andrew C Foster | Clare Knight | Christina Maurice | Ciara O'Donnell | Peter St George Hyslop | Lorinda Turner | Petra Vertes | Barry Widmer | Angharad R Morgan | Caroline O'Hagan | Samuel Touchard | Catherine Deith | John McClean | Alison McColl | Paul Scouller | Murray Sutherland | H W G M (Erik) Boddeke | Jill C Richardson | Shahid Khan | Phil Murphy | Jai Patel | Declan Jones | Peter de Boer | John Kemp | Jeffrey S Nye | John Isaac | Nick Carruthers | Hartmuth Kolb | Heidi Byrom | Caitlin Hastings | Nicole Mariani | Anna McLaughlin | Maria Nettis | Naghmeh Nikkheslat | Karen Randall | Hannah Sheridan | Victoria Van Loo | Courtney Worrell | Zuzanna Zajkowska | Jan Egebjerg | Francois Gastambide | Karen Husted Adams | Ross Jeggo | Jan Torleif Pederson | Brian Campbell | Bob Nelson | Stevin Zorn | Jason O'Connor | Mary Jane Attenburrow | Jithen Benjamin | I-Shu (Dante) Huang | Samuel Hurley | Helen Jones | Francisca Mada | Akintayo Oladejo | Katy Smith | Anviti Vyas | Zoe Hughes | James Duerr | Justin R Piro | Jonathan Sporn | V Hugh Perry (PI | Charlotte L Clarke | Elizabeth Hoskins | Charmaine Kohn | Rosemary Murray | Lauren Wilcock | Dominika Wlazly | Howard Mount | Diego Gómez-Nicola | Gemma L. Fryatt | E. Pipi | Alejo J. Nevado | N. Austin | C. Theunis | Karolien Grauwen | Eva Daniela Ruiz | Junaid Bhatti | Samuel J. Chamberlain | Anna L. Crofts | A. Dickinson | A. Foster | Clare Knight | Christina Maurice | Ciara O’Donnell | L. Turner | C. Leckey | Catherine Deith | Scott J. Farmer | J. McClean | A. McColl | Andrew K. McPherson | Paul Scouller | Murray Sutherland | H. Boddeke | Phil Murphy | Jai Patel | Declan Jones | J. Kemp | Nick Carruthers | H. Byrom | C. Hastings | A. McLaughlin | N. Nikkheslat | K. Randall | Hannah Sheridan | V. V. Loo | C. Worrell | Z. Zajkowska | R. Jeggo | J. Pederson | B. Campbell | Bob Nelson | Jithen Benjamin | Helen Jones | Francisca Mada | Akintayo Oladejo | Katy Smith | Anviti Vyas | Zoe Hughes | Justin R. Piro | J. Sporn | V. Hugh Perry (PI | C. Clarke | E. Hoskins | Charmaine Kohn | R. Murray | Lauren Wilcock | Philip A. Cowen | A. Foster | Sam Hurley | J. Isaac | Rosemary Murray | H. Boddeke | Andrew McPherson | J. Mcclean | Jai Patel | Hans Eriksson | B. Campbell | Jason O’Connor | H. Mount | J. Richardson | N. Carruthers | Antony D. Gee | T. Jacobs | Gemma Fryatt | Madeleine Cleal | Elena Ribe | Eva Daniela Ruiz | Marta Vicente-Rodriguez | V. Hugh Perry (PI | Diego Gomez-Nicola | C. Kohn | Diego Gómez-Nicola | I. Huang | H. Eriksson

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