The psychology and management of workplace diversity.
Acknowledgements. Foreword: Robin J. Ely (Harvard Business School). Preface : Margaret S. Stockdale (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) and Faye J. Crosby (University of California, Santa Cruz). Part I: Foundation: 1. Why now? The contemporary interest in managing diversity: Rosemary Hays-Thomas (University of West Florida). 2. The arguments against diversity: Are they valid? : Kecia Thomas (University of Georgia), Dan Mack (late of University of Tennessee), & Amelie Montagliani. Part II: Models and Processes: 3. Models and Practice of Diversity Management: A Historical Review and Presentation of a New Integration Theory: Janet Kottke and Mark Agars (both California State University, San Bernardino). 4. The Influence of Culture on Role-Taking in Culturally Diverse Organizations: Eugene F. Stone- Romero and Dianna L. Stone (both University of Central Florida). 5. Leadership in a diverse workplace: Donna Chrobot-Mason (University of Colorado, Denver) and Marian Ruderman (Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC). 6. Health Implications of Workplace Diversity: Lynda Sagrestano (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). Part III: Diverse Groups: 7. Shattering the Glass Ceiling in the New Millenium: Linda Stroh (Loyola University Chicago), Christine Langlands (Organization Resources Counselors, Inc. ), and Patricia A. Simpson (Loyola University Chicago). 8. Toward the Inclusiveness and Career Success of African Americans in the Workplace: Kevin Cokley (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale), George Dreher (Indiana University) & Margaret S. Stockdale (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). 9. Age, Disability, And Obesity: Similarities, Differences, And Common Threads: Myrtle P. Bell (University of Texas, Arlington), Mary E. McLaughlin (Pennsylvania State University), and Jennifer M. Sequeira. 10. Diversity and Sexual Orientation Including and Valuing Sexual Minorities in the Workplace: Micah E. Lubinsky, Sarah L. Holland (The Visibility Project), Carolyn Wiethoff (Indiana University, Bloomington), & Faye J. Crosby (University of California, Santa Cruz). 11. Class diversity in the workplace: Heather E. Bullock (University of California, Santa Cruz). Part IV: Further Developments: 12. Creating and Sustaining Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations: Strategies and Approaches: Evangalina Holvino (Simmons College), Bernardo Ferdman (Alliant International University), and Deborah Merrill-Sands (Simmons College). 13. International perspectives in managing workplace diversity: Rana Haq. 14. Looking Back and Heading Forward: Major Themes of The Psychology and Management of Workplace Diversity: Margaret S. Stockdale (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) and Feng Cao. References. Biographic Summaries. Subject index . Author index .