Internet Congestion Control Using Fuzzy Integral Controller

Until now, internet congestion problem cannot be completely resolved. The main cause of the internet congestion is the control mechanism for dividing network capacity does not work effectively. Thus, the amount of data through the network can exceed the network capacity. Various studies based on the control system theory have been done to overcome this problem. This paper specifically examines congestion control system based on fuzzy logic mechanism. The proposed controller is fuzzy integral controller in the router and control signal processing that resides on the user side, which is modelled by first order system. This control technique is a congestion control with explicit feedback. The control calculation result, i.e. the divided capacity of the router, which is distributed fairly among all users, is explicitly given to the user. There are three simulation scenarios to show the performance of the proposed congestion control system. From the simulation results can be concluded that the congestion control system using fuzzy integral controller has succeeded in fairly allocating capacity routers and able to prevent internet congestion by keeping the aggregate data flow through the router does not exceed the service rate of the router.