Federal Aviation Administration flight simulation standards - A regulatory update

On October 1 1, 1994, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published Advisory Circular (AC) 120-63, Helico~ter Simulator Oualification. The evaluation criteria and standards constituted the fust such formal document within the United States. An overview is presented of the process undertaken by the FAA's National Simulator Program (NSP) in the formulation of the advisory material with emphasis on development of helicopter simulation standards and the principal issues addressed regarding helicopter simulation. The FAA's incorporation of internationally agreed upon airplane simulator standards into US standards as AC 120-40C, Airplane Simulator Qualification is addressed. Additionally, the update of AC 120-45A, Airplane Flieht Training Device Oualification, will also be addressed. Topics within this paper include the role of simulation in training programs and FAA efforts in addressing airplane and helicopter simulation needs, working groups formed to develop helicopter and airplane simulation standards. Additionally, the November 1994 National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommendation to require the existence of a high fidelity simulator to be a condition for issuance of an Airworthiness Certificate for future aircraft is reviewed and discussed.