EDRS PRICE MFOl / PCO 2 Plus o 4 e . DESCRIPTORS Calculation
In response to an increasing demand for faculty evaluation, focus is on element's.of a successful evaluation program. It is suggested that faculty must be consulted in order to rxrive at a mutuaily 'reed upon structure, incorporating such areas as which sources sh d provide the informatibn or data Oh which the evaluation be based. Another consideration is the aspect of functional validityhow to insure that the instrument bill be accei,ted add used by the faculty cr institution. In order to a sura 'that func.tional validity exiSts, a faculty role model must be established that the majority of the faculty believes to te an appropriate one for the institution. Among the roles genrally es-tahlishad by faculty are advising, teaching, faculty service, reseaFch, and professional status. Once functional Naliditycis determined, psychometric validity can be.established bith accepted measurement and validation tecEnigues. The next step is the clvelopment of.a procedure,to produce a singular index that is readily interpretable and will'provide informatio'n that can be ut,iiized for promotion, tenure, and merit-pay decisiots. In order to allow-for individual differences in faculty assignmelits while still allowing tor comparison, a series of steps is outlined. An equation is presented which permits the overall composite rating of a faculty sembr to b compu-ed iniorder to arrive at a merit pay in rease based on the faculty evaluation procedure. (PHR)