Social Perspectives on Mobility

Contents: Introduction: mobility research - a growing field of social enquiry, Lise Drewes Nielsen, Henrik Gudmundsson and Thyra Uth Thomsen. Mobility as Constructed Social Reality: Parents' construction of traffic safety: children's independent mobility at risk?, Thyra Uth Thomsen Structural stories, mobility and (un)freedom, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen Reflexive mobility - a critical and action oriented perspective on transport research, Lise Drewes Nielsen. Mobility as Spatial Co-ordination and Transgression: Impacts of infrastructure investment on logistics and transport - examples from the fixed links of the Great Belt and Oresund in Denmark, Leif Gjesing Hansen Involving freight transport actors in production of knowledge - experience with future workshop methodology, Per Homann Jespersen and Lise Drewes Nielsen. Mobility as a Policy Theme: Mobility as a policy concept, Henrik Gudmundsson The institutionalisation of European transport policy from a mobility perspective, Anne Jensen New conditions for decision-making and co-ordination in transport? Corporatisation and division in the Danish railway sector, Claus Hedegaard SA,rensen Democracy, civil society and automobility: understanding battles against motorways, Maria Figueroa Epilogue: mobility, sustainability, and beyond, Henrik Gudmundsson, Thyra Uth Thomsen and Lise Drewes Nielsen Index.