Sub-ps Laser Deposited Copper Films for Application in RF Guns

Copper thin films are intended to serve as a cover layer of photocathodes that are deposited by ablating copper targets in a high vacuum by temporally clean 600 fs laser pulses at 248 nm. The extremely forward-peaked plume produced by the ultrashort UV pulses of high-energy contrast ensures fast film growth. The deposition rate, defined as peak thickness per number of pulses, rises from 0.03 to 0.11 nm/pulse with an increasing ablated area while keeping the pulse energy constant. The material distribution over the surface-to-be-coated can also effectively be controlled by tuning the dimensions of the ablated area: surface patterning from airbrush-like to broad strokes is available. The well-adhering films of uniform surface morphology consist of densely packed lentil-like particles of several hundred nm in diameter and several ten nm in height. Task-optimized ultrashort UV laser deposition is thereby an effective approach for the production of thin film patterns of predetermined geometry, serving e.g., as critical parts of photocathodes.

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