Some proofs concerning a subspace identification algorithm are presented. It is proved that the Kalman filter gain and the noise innovations process can be identified directly from known input and output data without explicitly solving the Riccati equation. Furthermore, it is in general and for colored inputs, proved that the subspace identification of the states only is possible if the deterministic part of the system is known or identified beforehand. However, if the inputs are white, then, it is proved that the states can be identified directly. Some alternative projection matrices which can be used to compute the extended observability matrix directly from the data are presented. Furthermore, an efficient method for computing the deterministic part of the system is presented. The closed loop subspace identification problem is also addressed and it is shown that this problem is solved and unbiased estimates are obtained by simply including a filter in the feedback. Furthermore, an algorithm for consistent closed loop subspace estimation is presented. This algorithm is using the controller parameters in order to overcome the bias problem.
Mats Viberg,et al.
Subspace-based methods for the identification of linear time-invariant systems
B. Moor,et al.
Closed loop subspace system identification
Wallace E. Larimore,et al.
Canonical variate analysis in identification, filtering, and adaptive control
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
D. Di Ruscio.
On subspace identification of the extended observability matrix
Bart De Moor,et al.
N4SID: Subspace algorithms for the identification of combined deterministic-stochastic systems
Michel Verhaegen,et al.
Identification of the deterministic part of MIMO state space models given in innovations form from input-output data
D. D. Ruscio.
Combined deterministic and stochastic system identification and realization : DSR : a subspace approach based on observations
Sun-Yuan Kung,et al.
A new identification and model reduction algorithm via singular value decomposition