Avoidance of churn rate through temporal centralization in Chord

In this paper we have introduced a concept called temporal centralization to handle high churn rate without disturbing the original decentralized architecture of Peer-to-Peer overlay system. The frequent joining/leaving of nodes in a P2P system costs high. We know that the well-known structured system like Chord handles query in O(logn), but node joining/leaving is O(logn)2, where n is the number of nodes available in the system. Therefore, with high churn rate, it is hard to maintain the cost of routing table. In our approach, updation of all routing tables are not done immediately after a node joining the system. We introduce the concept of temporal centralization to Chord protocol that reduces the churn rate retaining the same number of steps for query processing. The simulation results show the improvement of performance of P2P network reducing transient node population.

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