Polymer Derived Si–B–C–N Ceramics: 30 Years of Research
M. Weinmann | R. Riedel | S. Bernard | A. Lale | Maxime Balestrat | David Lopez-Ferber | F. Rossignol | Marion Schmidt | Antoine Viard | Diane Fonblanc | Charlotte Durif | Abhijeet Lale
[1] Jie Kong,et al. Excellent Electromagnetic Wave Absorption of Iron‐Containing SiBCN Ceramics at 1158 K High‐Temperature , 2018 .
[2] C. Shao,et al. High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of SiBCN Fibers for Aerospace Applications. , 2018, ACS applied materials & interfaces.
[3] H. Kleebe,et al. Preparation of dense SiHf(B)CN-based ceramic nanocomposites via rapid spark plasma sintering , 2017 .
[4] Lixin Chen,et al. Coating formed by SiBCN single source precursor via UV-photopolymerization , 2017 .
[5] T. Rouxel,et al. Molecular design of melt-spinnable co-polymers as Si-B-C-N fiber precursors. , 2017, Dalton transactions.
[6] C. Shao,et al. Curing green fibres infusible by electron beam irradiation for the preparation of SiBNC ceramic fibres , 2017 .
[7] Zhihua Yang,et al. Effects of boron addition on the high temperature oxidation resistance of dense sSiBCN monoliths at 1500 °C , 2017 .
[8] Xiaolei Li,et al. Fabrication and toughening behavior of carbon nanotube (CNT) scaffold reinforced SiBCN ceramic composites with high CNT loading , 2017 .
[9] P. Champagne,et al. Inside Back Cover: Molecular Chemistry and Engineering of Boron‐Modified Polyorganosilazanes as New Processable and Functional SiBCN Precursors (Chem. Eur. J. 38/2017) , 2017 .
[10] C. Shao,et al. A simple and efficient method for the synthesis of SiBNC ceramics with different Si/B atomic ratios , 2017 .
[11] Jie Kong,et al. Hyperbranched polyborosilazane and boron nitride modified cyanate ester composite with low dielectric loss and desirable thermal conductivity , 2017, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.
[12] Tingting Xu,et al. Synthesis, pyrolysis of a novel liquid SiBCN ceramic precursor and its application in ceramic matrix composites , 2017 .
[13] S. Bernard,et al. Nanocomposites through the Chemistry of Single-Source Precursors: Understanding the Role of Chemistry behind the Design of Monolith-Type Nanostructured Titanium Nitride/Silicon Nitride. , 2017, Chemistry.
[14] Yongqiang Sun,et al. Synthesis and characteristic of SiBCN/HfN ceramics with high temperature oxidation resistance , 2016 .
[15] S. Bernard,et al. Polymer-derived ceramics route toward SiCN and SiBCN fibers: from chemistry of polycarbosilazanes to the design and characterization of ceramic fibers , 2016 .
[16] S. Creager,et al. Asymmetric polysilazane-derived ceramic structures with multiscalar porosity for membrane applications , 2016 .
[17] Jia-Jia Yuan,et al. High-temperature oxidation behavior of polymer-derived SiHfBCN ceramic nanocomposites , 2016 .
[18] P. Colombo,et al. Porous polymer derived ceramics , 2016 .
[19] Zhihua Yang,et al. Amorphous silicoboron carbonitride monoliths resistant to flowing air up to 1800 °C , 2016 .
[20] G. Vignoles,et al. Polymer-Derived Silicoboron Carbonitride Foams for CO2 Capture: From Design to Application as Scaffolds for the in Situ Growth of Metal-Organic Frameworks. , 2016, Chemistry.
[21] L. David,et al. Three-dimensional polymer-derived ceramic/graphene paper as a Li-ion battery and supercapacitor electrode , 2016 .
[22] U. Wiesner,et al. Self-Assembled Gyroidal Mesoporous Polymer-Derived High Temperature Ceramic Monoliths , 2016 .
[23] Xinghong Zhang,et al. Ordered Silica Nanoparticles Grown on a Three-Dimensional Carbon Fiber Architecture Substrate with Siliconborocarbonitride Ceramic as a Thermal Barrier Coating. , 2016, ACS applied materials & interfaces.
[24] Z. Eckel,et al. Additive manufacturing of polymer-derived ceramics , 2016, Science.
[25] Tingting Xu,et al. Synthesis of borosilazane as UV-curable borazine-type single source precursor for SiBCN ceramic materials , 2015 .
[26] Jia-Jia Yuan,et al. Preparation and hydrothermal corrosion behavior of Cf/SiCN and Cf/SiHfBCN ceramic matrix composites , 2015 .
[27] R. Bordia,et al. A novel processing approach for free-standing porous non-oxide ceramic supports from polycarbosilane and polysilazane precursors , 2015, Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
[28] N. Mano,et al. Triple hierarchical micro–meso–macroporous carbonaceous foams bearing highly monodisperse macroporosity , 2015 .
[29] S. Bernard,et al. Monodisperse platinum nanoparticles supported on highly ordered mesoporous silicon nitride nanoblocks: superior catalytic activity for hydrogen generation from sodium borohydride , 2015 .
[30] T. Chartier,et al. Preparation of polymer-derived Si–B–C–N monoliths by spark plasma sintering technique , 2015 .
[31] S. Bernard,et al. Ceramic Nanocomposites from Tailor-Made Preceramic Polymers , 2015, Nanomaterials.
[32] J. Zou,et al. Soluble and meltable hyperbranched polyborosilazanes toward high-temperature stable SiBCN ceramics. , 2015, ACS applied materials & interfaces.
[33] Ze Feng,et al. Preparation and anti-oxidation characteristics of ZrSiO4–SiBCN(O) amorphous coating , 2015 .
[34] S. Bernard,et al. In Situ Controlled Growth of Titanium Nitride in Amorphous Silicon Nitride: A General Route Toward Bulk Nitride Nanocomposites with Very High Hardness , 2014, Advanced materials.
[35] H. Kleebe,et al. Single-source-precursor synthesis of hafnium-containing ultrahigh-temperature ceramic nanocomposites (UHTC-NCs). , 2014, Inorganic chemistry.
[36] L. An,et al. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the electric conductivity of polymer-derived silicoboron carbonitride , 2014 .
[37] W. Krenkel,et al. Ceramic Fibers Based on SiC and SiCN Systems: Current Research, Development, and Commercial Status , 2014 .
[38] Luo Kong,et al. Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the crystallization behavior of PDCs-SiBCN and their improved dielectric and EM absorbing properties , 2014 .
[39] S. Bernard,et al. Ordered mesoporous polymer-derived ceramics and their processing into hierarchically porous boron nitride and silicoboron carbonitride monoliths , 2014 .
[40] Ze Feng,et al. Preparation and Thermal Cycling Resistance of SiBCN(O) Coating , 2014 .
[41] Lai-fei Cheng,et al. Dielectric and microwave-absorption properties of SiC nanoparticle/SiBCN composite ceramics , 2014 .
[42] T. Schmalz,et al. Selective cross-linking of oligosilazanes to tailored meltable polysilazanes for the processing of ceramic SiCN fibres , 2013 .
[43] Ravi Kumar,et al. Experimental investigation on the indentation hardness of precursor derived Si–B–C–N ceramics , 2013 .
[44] M. Bechelany,et al. Silicon–boron–carbon–nitrogen monoliths with high, interconnected and hierarchical porosity , 2013 .
[45] Lai-fei Cheng,et al. Dielectric and EMW absorbing properties of PDCs-SiBCN annealed at different temperatures , 2013 .
[46] R. Riedel,et al. Ceramics Science and Technology , 2013 .
[47] S. Sen,et al. Effect of Precursor on Speciation and Nanostructure of SiBCN Polymer‐Derived Ceramics , 2013 .
[48] C. Balan,et al. Evaluation of the processability of boron‐containing organosilazane polymers based on shear rheology , 2013 .
[49] J. Lehman,et al. Very high laser-damage threshold of polymer-derived Si(B)CN-carbon nanotube composite coatings. , 2013, ACS applied materials & interfaces.
[50] S. Bernard,et al. Direct Synthesis of Periodic Mesoporous SilicoBoron CarboNitride Frameworks via the Nanocasting from Ordered Mesoporous Silica with Boron‐Modified Polycarbosilazane , 2013 .
[51] G. Singh,et al. Improved electrochemical capacity of precursor-derived Si(B)CN-carbon nanotube composite as Li-ion battery anode. , 2012, ACS applied materials & interfaces.
[52] M. Jansen,et al. Solid‐State NMR Investigations on the Amorphous Network of Precursor‐Derived Si2B2N5C4 Ceramics , 2012 .
[53] M. Weinmann,et al. Study of the intermediate pyrolysis steps and mechanism identification of polymer-derived SiBCN ceramics , 2012 .
[54] H. Xia,et al. Synthesis and ceramic conversion of a novel processible polyboronsilazane precursor to SiBCN ceramic , 2012 .
[55] Ralf Riedel,et al. Silicon-containing polymer-derived ceramic nanocomposites (PDC-NCs): preparative approaches and properties. , 2012, Chemical Society reviews.
[56] T. Schmalz,et al. Polymer derived non-oxide ceramics modified with late transition metals. , 2012, Chemical Society reviews.
[57] M. Herrmann,et al. Preparation and application of cellular and nanoporous carbides. , 2012, Chemical Society reviews.
[58] A. Navrotsky,et al. Effect of boron on the thermodynamic stability of amorphous polymer-derived Si-(B)-)C-N ceramics , 2012 .
[59] Gurpreet Singh,et al. Synthesis, Characterization, and High Temperature Stability of Si(B)CN‐Coated Carbon Nanotubes Using a Boron‐Modified Poly(ureamethylvinyl)Silazane Chemistry , 2012 .
[60] M. Jansen,et al. One-pot synthesis of DMTA-analogous SiBNC preceramic polymer , 2012 .
[61] M. Weinmann,et al. Chemistry, structure and processability of boron-modified polysilazanes as tailored precursors of ceramic fibers , 2012 .
[62] S. Bernard,et al. Micro-, Mesoporous Boron Nitride-Based Materials Templated from Zeolites , 2012 .
[63] Lei Zhai,et al. Structural Evolution of Polymer-Derived Amorphous SiBCN Ceramics at High Temperature , 2011 .
[64] S. Bernard,et al. Novel monolith-type boron nitride hierarchical foams obtained through integrative chemistry , 2011 .
[65] M. Jansen,et al. Curing preceramic SiBNC polymers infusible by radical polymerization , 2011 .
[66] Ying Wan,et al. Ordered mesoporous non-oxide materials. , 2011, Chemical Society reviews.
[67] T. Schmalz,et al. Analysis of polyethylene-particle filled SiCN precursor and the resulting porous ceramics with emphasis on using micro computed tomography , 2011 .
[68] Caihong Xu,et al. Synthesis and characterization of a new liquid polymer precursor for Si–B–C–N ceramics , 2011 .
[69] S. Bernard,et al. Ordered mesoporous silicoboron carbonitride ceramics from boron-modified polysilazanes: Polymer synthesis, processing and properties , 2011 .
[70] Johan A. Martens,et al. Simple synthesis recipes of porous materials , 2011 .
[71] J. Bill,et al. Kinetic effect of boron on the crystallization of Si_3N_4 in Si–B–C–N polymer-derived ceramics , 2011 .
[72] J. Bill,et al. Kinetic effect of boron on the thermal stability of Si-(B-)C-N polymer-derived ceramics , 2010 .
[73] Paolo Colombo,et al. Polymer‐Derived Ceramics: 40 Years of Research and Innovation in Advanced Ceramics , 2010 .
[74] A. Gurlo,et al. Multilayer Amorphous‐Si‐B‐C‐N/γ‐Al2O3/α‐Al2O3 Membranes for Hydrogen Purification , 2010 .
[75] J. Bill,et al. Quantitative X‐ray Diffraction Analysis and Modeling of the Crystallization Process in Amorphous Si–B–C–N Polymer‐Derived Ceramics , 2010 .
[76] D. Cornu,et al. A new class of boron nitride fibers with tunable properties by combining an electrospinning process and the polymer-derived ceramics route. , 2010, Nanoscale.
[77] R. Riedel,et al. Highly porous macro- and micro-cellular ceramics from a polysilazane precursor , 2009 .
[78] J. Bill,et al. Effect of boron on the crystallization of amorphous Si–(B–)C–N polymer-derived ceramics , 2009 .
[79] J. D’Haen,et al. Convenient synthesis of ordered mesoporous silica at room temperature and quasi-neutral pH , 2009 .
[80] M. Morcrette,et al. Hard Macrocellular Silica Si(HIPE) Foams Templating Micro/Macroporous Carbonaceous Monoliths: Applications as Lithium Ion Battery Negative Electrodes and Electrochemical Capacitors , 2009 .
[81] M. Weinmann,et al. Cfiber/SiCfiller/Si–B–C–Nmatrix composites with extremely high thermal stability , 2009 .
[82] Xiaodong Li,et al. One-pot synthesis of novel polyborosilazane to SiBNC fibres , 2009 .
[83] M. Bechelany,et al. Shaping potentialities of aluminum nitride polymeric precursors: Preparation of thin coatings and 1D nanostructures in liquid phase , 2009 .
[84] Xiaodong Li,et al. Preceramic polymer for SiBNC fiber via one‐step condensation of silane, BCl3, and silazane , 2008 .
[85] S. Bernard,et al. Ordered Mesoporous Silicoboron Carbonitride Materials via Preceramic Polymer Nanocasting , 2008 .
[86] M. Weinmann,et al. Extraordinary thermal stability of SiC particulate-reinforced polymer-derived Si–B–C–N composites , 2008 .
[87] Zhihua Yang,et al. Processing and characterization of SiB0.5C1.5N0.5 produced by mechanical alloying and subsequent spark plasma sintering , 2008 .
[88] M. Weinmann,et al. Cl2MeSi–NH–BCl2 and ClMe2Si–NH–BCl2: novel processable single source precursors of amorphous Si/C/B/N ceramics , 2008 .
[89] K. Kojima,et al. Local structure and defects in ultrahigh-temperature materials of borosilicon carbonitride , 2008 .
[90] M. Weinmann,et al. Processing and properties of C/Si-B-C-N fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites prepared by precursor impregnation and pyrolysis , 2008 .
[91] M. Weinmann,et al. Towards continuous processes for the synthesis of precursors of amorphous Si/B/N/C ceramics , 2008 .
[92] G. Borchardt,et al. Atomic diffusion of boron and other constituents in amorphous Si–B–C–N , 2007 .
[93] Y. Iwamoto. Precursors-Derived Ceramic Membranes for High-Temperature Separation of Hydrogen , 2007 .
[94] M. Jansen,et al. NMR studies of short and intermediate range ordering of amorphous Si–B–N–C–H pre-ceramic at the pyrolysis stage of 600 °C , 2007 .
[95] M. Weinmann,et al. Fabrication of Fiber‐Reinforced Ceramic Composites by the Modified Slurry Infiltration Technique , 2007 .
[96] H. Schmidt. Si‐(B‐)C‐N Ceramics Derived from Preceramic Polymers: Stability and Nano‐Composite Formation , 2007 .
[97] Ravi Kumar,et al. Processing, crystallization and characterization of polymer derived nano-crystalline Si–B–C–N ceramics , 2006 .
[98] M. Weinmann,et al. Nanostructured SiC/BN/C ceramics derived from mixtures of B3N3H6 and [HSi(Me)C≡C]n , 2006 .
[99] T. Nishimura,et al. Precipitation processing to synthesize fine polycarbosilane particles for precursors of silicon carbide powders , 2006 .
[100] M. Weinmann,et al. Boron-modified polysilazane as a novel single-source precursor for SiBCN ceramic fibers: synthesis, melt-spinning, curing and ceramic conversion , 2005 .
[101] A. Zimmermann,et al. Crystallization and creep behavior of Si-B-C-N ceramics , 2005 .
[102] James S. Tulenko,et al. Synthesis and Pyrolysis of Novel Polysilazane to SiBCN Ceramic , 2005 .
[103] Dong‐Pyo Kim,et al. Highly-resistant SiCBN films prepared by a simple spin-coating process with poly(borosilazane) , 2005 .
[104] K. Khor,et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of spark plasma sintered zirconia-hydroxyapatite nano-composite powders , 2005 .
[105] R. Nesper,et al. A Construction Kit for Si−B−C−N Ceramic Materials Based on Borazine Precursors , 2005 .
[106] F. Aldinger,et al. Solid-state NMR investigations on Si-B-C-N ceramics derived from boron-modified poly(allylmethylsilazane) , 2005 .
[107] H. Kleebe,et al. Newtonian Viscosity of Amorphous Silicon Carbonitride at High Temperature , 2005 .
[108] D. Balzar,et al. Structure and Electronic Transport Properties of Si‐(B)‐C‐N Ceramics , 2004 .
[109] F. Aldinger,et al. Novel Silicon‐Boron‐Carbon‐Nitrogen Materials Thermally Stable up to 2200°C , 2004 .
[110] T. Parthasarathy,et al. Characterization of Oxidized Polymer‐Derived SiBCN Fibers , 2004 .
[111] K. Nickel,et al. Precursor derived Si-B-C-N Ceramics: oxidation kinetics , 2004 .
[112] M. Weinmann,et al. Thermal Stability, Phase Evolution, and Crystallization in Si‐B‐C‐N Ceramics Derived from a Polyborosilazane Precursor , 2004 .
[113] A. Colin,et al. Inorganic monoliths hierarchically textured via concentrated direct emulsion and micellar templatesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD profiles, nitrogen physisorption data and pore size distribution calculated from density functional theory, for the xSi-HIPE0.035 series. See h , 2004 .
[114] A. Zimmermann,et al. High temperature deformation behaviour of crystallized Si–B–C–N ceramics obtained from a boron modified poly(vinyl)silazane polymeric precursor , 2004 .
[115] R. Nesper,et al. High-Yield Molecular Borazine Precursors for Si−B−N−C Ceramics , 2004 .
[116] Dong‐Pyo Kim,et al. Polymer derived Si–C–B–N ceramics via hydroboration from borazine derivatives and trivinylcyclotrisilazane , 2003 .
[117] M. Jansen,et al. SiBN3C Ceramic workpieces by pressureless pyrolysis without sintering aids: preparation, characterization and electrical properties , 2003 .
[118] F. Aldinger,et al. Synthesis and high temperature behavior of Si/B/C/N precursor-derived ceramics without "free carbon" , 2003 .
[119] R. Riedel,et al. Solid-state NMR investigations of the polymer route to SiBCN ceramics , 2003 .
[120] R. Nesper,et al. Functionalized Borazines as Precursors for New Silica-Gels , 2003 .
[121] W. Frank,et al. Diffusion in polymer-derived Si-(B-)C-N ceramics, particularly amorphous Si29B9C41N21 , 2003 .
[122] J. Puszynski. High Performance Non-Oxide Ceramics I Edited by Martin Jansen (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkorperforschung, Stuttgart). Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 2002. xvi + 198 pp. $149.00. ISBN 3-540-43131-4. , 2003 .
[123] S. Bernard,et al. Structural and mechanical properties of a high-performance BN fibre , 2002 .
[124] M. Weinmann,et al. Carbon nanotubes welded by precursor-derived silicoboron carbonitride ceramics: A TEM study , 2002 .
[125] M. Weinmann,et al. Dehydrocoupling of tris(hydridosilylethyl)boranes and cyanamide: a novel access to boron-containing polysilylcarbodiimides , 2002 .
[126] F. Aldinger,et al. Boron-modified poly(propenylsilazane)-derived Si–B–C–N ceramics: preparation and high temperature properties , 2002 .
[127] Joachim Bill,et al. Si-B-C-N ceramic precursors derived from dichlorodivinylsilane and chlorotrivinylsilane. 2. Ceramization of polymers and high- temperature behavior of ceramic materials , 2002 .
[128] Joachim Bill,et al. Si-B-C-N ceramic precursors derived from dichlorodivinylsilane and chlorotrivinylsilane. 1. Precursor synthesis , 2002 .
[129] H. Scherrer,et al. Comparison of 30Si diffusion in amorphous Si–C–N and Si–B–C–N precursor-derived ceramics , 2002 .
[130] L. Sneddon,et al. Silicon-based ceramics from polymer precursors , 2002 .
[131] M. Weinmann,et al. Solid‐state NMR and FT IR studies of the preparation of Si–B–C–N ceramics from boron‐modified polysilazanes , 2001 .
[132] H. Seifert,et al. Phase equilibria of precursor‐derived Si–(B–)C–N ceramics , 2001 .
[133] R. Riedel,et al. Thermal cross-linking and pyrolytic conversion of poly(ureamethylvinyl)silazanes to silicon-based ceramics , 2001 .
[134] M. Weinmann,et al. Dehydrocoupling of tris(hydridosilylethyl)boranes with ammonia or amines: a novel route to Si-B-C-N preceramic polymers , 2001 .
[135] H. Seifert,et al. Phase equilibria and thermal analysis of Si-C-N ceramics , 2001 .
[136] D. Balzar,et al. Silicoboron-Carbonitride Ceramics: A Class of High Temperature, Dopable Electronic Materials , 2001 .
[137] M. Weinmann,et al. Correlation of boron content and high temperature stability in Si–B–C–N ceramics II , 2000 .
[138] G. Borchardt,et al. Self-diffusion studies on 15N in amorphous Si3BC4.3N2 ceramics with ion implantation and secondary ion mass spectrometry , 2000 .
[139] M. Weinmann,et al. Design of Polymeric Si−B−C−N Ceramic Precursors for Application in Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials , 2000 .
[140] Peter Greil,et al. Polymer Derived Engineering Ceramics , 2000 .
[141] R. Corriu,et al. Ceramics and Nanostructures from Molecular Precursors. , 2000, Angewandte Chemie.
[142] R. Riedel,et al. Silazane derived ceramics and related materials , 2000 .
[143] R. Riedel,et al. Synthesis of silyl substituted organoboranes by hydroboration of vinylsilanes , 2000 .
[144] M. Weinmann,et al. Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of Novel Si−B−C−N Ceramic Precursors , 2000 .
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[146] M. Weinmann,et al. Boron-modified polysilylcarbodi-imides as precursors for Si–B–C–N ceramics: Synthesis, plastic-forming and high-temperature behavior , 1998 .
[147] L. Interrante,et al. Linear and hyperbranched polycarbosilanes with Si-CH2-Si bridging groups: a synthetic platform for the construction of novel functional polymeric materials , 1998 .
[148] L. Sneddon,et al. Second-generation polymeric precursors for BN and SiNCB ceramic materials , 1998 .
[149] R. Paine,et al. Synthesis of Silylborazines and Their Utilization as Precursors to Silicon‐Containing Boron Nitride☆ , 1998 .
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[152] M. Weinmann,et al. Precursor-derived Si-B-C-N ceramics , 1998 .
[153] L. Sneddon,et al. Amine-Modified Polyborazylenes: Second-Generation Precursors to Boron Nitride , 1998 .
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[155] L. Sneddon,et al. Reactions of monofunctional boranes with hydridopolysilazane : Synthesis, characterization, and ceramic conversion reactions of new processible precursors to SiNCB ceramic materials , 1997 .
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