Elevated thymic and serum galactosyltransferase with low-molecular-weight acceptor activity in murine leukemia.

Galactosyltransferase activity (UDP-galactose:N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-D-galactosyltransferase) could be measured in thymus and sera from different strains of mice. Total thymic homogenates or thymocyte preparations obtained from thymoma carrying AKR/J mice exhibited higher enzyme activity compared to nonleukemic control mice. A similar difference was also noted in Swiss mouse thymus which develop thymic leukemia upon a single injection of 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno)-imidazole-4-carboximide. Galactosidase, which was 25 times less active than galactosyltransferase, was not responsible for this difference. These observations were extended to an evaluation of the serum level of the enzyme as a potential tumor biomarker. A 3- to 4-fold increase in the activity of galactosyltransferase was detected in serum samples obtained from both leukemic mice models (AKR/J and Swiss) compared to the controls, whereas the sera from P388 tumor-bearing DBA/2 mice showed a statistically nonsignificant increase of only 20%. The data indicate that serum galactosyltransferase (that accepts the low-molecular-weight acceptor, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) levels are elevated in the presence of thymic leukemia, and suggest the possibility of shedding of this enzyme from the tumor cells to the systemic circulation of the host. The implications, including the potential diagnostic significance of the results, are discussed.

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