A method for application of detachable stretcher

Application of the method of detachable stretcher, or rugged mountain road use, the two half-plates inserted from both sides of the person, the uneven edges of two half-plates constituting the supporting plate corresponding to the engagement, corresponding to a short barrel screwed configured Lema, Lema into the sides of supporting plate constituting the supporting rod sleeve stretcher; level road use, the telescopic strut taken from a short stretch tub, one end of the chuck the telescopic strut rod end card supporting the telescopic strut the other end of the telescopic struts in contact with the wheel supporting shaft perpendicular to the ground, four telescopic strut configuration corresponding to the slide card in the stretcher ends of two supporting rods; can be transferred while still meeting patient in an emergency or disaster relief in the case of use as a simple first-aid stations, and the patient easily slide off the stretcher; for land, mountain use, especially in the relief, emergency rescue, easy to use when transferring patient, simple in structure, easy to carry, easy removal, easy to clean.