Modern methods in compaction technology
Compacting is an important technological operation when forming
of earth fills and backfills, where appropriate earth
stabilization and in the construction of highways and roads in
the compaction of bituminous and other surfaces too. Compaction
is technologies that occurs at the building during construction
time. It should be optimally compress all of the individual
layers of the respective construction works. The works must be
carried out as precisely and as economically with the smallest
number of crossings compacting machine with the inclusion of
modern methods of measurement into the whole technology of
compaction. The theoretical part of this contribution is
complemented by a practical measurement of compacting machines
fuel consumption during the one-year cycle with focus on the
influence of human factors. Fuel consumption of earthmoving
machines is one of the most significant costs of a construction
company. Each construction company tries to reduce its own
costs to the minimum to be able to quote the lowest possible
price to a customer. Contracts are usually awarded to the
company with the lowest quoted price of the work