A Low energy strategy for the United Kingdom
One chapter of this book is devoted to transport. The authors review the energy growth in the transport sector in the United Kingdom since 1958 and outline the present pattern in passenger and freight traffic per transport mode. As regards passenger traffic, figures are presented on household expenditure on transport, household car ownership levels, journeys by type and transport mode and relative costs of transport and other items. Freight traffic (road, rail and shipping) is shown by type and mode. Data illustrate the growth of freight traffic and industrial production from 1966 to 1976 and the energy intensities of rail and road freight in the UK. A traffic projection model shows the future growth of passenger and freight transport from 1976 to 2025. Traffic is broken into 11 types and treated with varying detail depending on the importance of each mode in total energy use. Possible fuel savings in cars, buses and coaches, motorcycles, light vans, lorries, electric vehicles, ships and aircraft are outlined. Finally, by combining the traffic projection and energy intensities for each transport mode, figures for oil, electricity and coal consumption are derived. (TRRL)