공공유니폼의 색채 분석

Public uniforms play an important role in creating the color and image of urban environment beyond the level of simple working clothes for unity and practicality. Hence this study aims to compare and analyze the color characteristics and images of the police officer, fire fighter, and street cleaner uniforms at home and abroad to guarantee the wearer`s safety, increase convenience and agreeability, and give emotional satisfaction to citizens in harmony with urban environment color as public uniforms. For study methods, literature review investigated urban environment, color, and uniforms as public design. Empirical study extracted color data from the public worker uniforms of the world`s top 20 cities selected by ``Newsweek`` in 2010 and analyzed their colors, tones, and color images. The results of this study are as follows. The most common color for police uniforms were PB(dk) as the main color, PB(p) as the sub color, and Wh as the accent color. For fire fighter uniforms, PB(dkg) was the most common main color; GY(v), as the sub color; and ItGy, as the accent color. The most common color for street cleaner uniforms was YR(v) as the main color; GY(v), as the sub color; and mGy, as the accent color. As a result of analyzing color images of these uniforms, it was found that police uniforms commonly used a modern image; fire fighter uniforms commonly used a natural image and a cool casual image; and street cleaner uniforms commonly used a casual image. As examined above, the color of public uniforms suitable for urban environment and job characteristics is very important to establish the image of public institutions, as well as to create an urban image.