The Stokes phenomenon and Hilbert's 16th problem, Groningen, The Netherlands, 31 May - 3 June 1995

Non-accumulation of limit cycles - revisiting and simplyifyng a former proof followed by construction of a summit-crossing "central trajectory" at semihyperbolic points, J. Ecalle finiteness theorems for limit cycles - functional cochains, bifurcations and zeros of Abelian integrals, Y. Il'yashenko introduction to Hilbert's 16th problem, J.-P. Ramis isoresurgent deformations, J. Ecalle isomonodromy deformations and connection formulae for Painleve transcendents, A.R. Its monodromy groups of regular systems on CP1 and their invariants, V. Kostov Galois groups for difference equations, M. van der Put a differential analog of Abhyabkar's conjecture - some analogies between Stokes phenomena and wild ramification, J.-P. Ramis Stokes phenomena in two dimensions, C. Sabbah the inverse Galois problem for differential equations, M. Singer algorithmic approach of the multisummation of formal power series solutions of linear ODE, applied to the Stokes phenomena, J. Thomann and other papers.