Modular Buildings in Modern Construction

Abstract The article considers temporary methods of using modular units in construction. The advanced world experience in the construction of modular buildings is analyzed. It is emphasized that modular construction has the potential to shorten project design and engineering time, reduce costs and improve construction productivity. The installation of modular buildings is cost-efficient, safe and eco-friendly. Modern modular systems are based on using not only large elements such as «block rooms» but various small 3D building elements. The analysis result of Russian developments in the construction of modular buildings proves that Russia has great experience in the development of 3D reinforced concrete modules. As the research results the article shows promise for developing of modern modular construction systems in order to provide the population with affordable, comfortable and eco-friendly housing. The paper describes the prospects and relevance of introducing modular prefabricated units not only into low-rise but into multi-storey and high-rise construction as well.