Abstract One of the main problems students face in the learning of chemical concepts is the understanding of the chemical structures in the 3D space. This is because the training at school has been always in two dimensions; books, blackboard, and flat paper surfaces. In order to achieve a better understanding of 3D world students have to be immersed into this new world. The technology is now at a breakpoint in which we can use simple tools to teach students to understand the 3D world of the molecules. Several devices are available; in our case we are using a Fujifilm Digital viewer Finepix real 3D V1 in order to show student the 3D world of molecules, this viewer can produce 3D still image and video images with an astounding reality without the use of any other device (special glasses). Also new applications are available free for Smartphone’s, iPhone and iPad, these devices wide spread between the student’s populations, can be a valuable teaching tool. We will discuss the implementation of this technique to help understanding chemical concepts as; mirror image, enantiomeric and disatereoisomeric compound, and the enantio and stereo selective reactions in chemistry. Keywords: 3D images, Chemistry, stereochemistry, Iphone, Ipad, Digital viewer.
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