Energy use and peak power for new commercial buildings from the BECA-CN data compilation: key findings and issues

Quantitative parameters covering energy use, peak demand, occupancy, operating conditions, construction costs, and energy costs are discussed. About two-thirds of the buildings considered are offices. The average BECA-CN office uses 66 kBtu/ft/sup 2/-year, which is about half the national office stock average. Measured energy use for these efficient buildings is roughly comparable to computer predictions for buildings designed to comply with the new ASHRAE Standard 90.1P. The average maximum peak electric demand is 5.5 W/ft/sup 2/ for the offices. Peak demand charges account for about 20 to 30% of annual electricity charges. Energy costs an average of $1.02/ft/sup 2/-year (in 1985 dollars) for the offices. 18 references, 6 figures, 2 tables.