Mechanical properties of skinned rabbit psoas and soleus muscle fibres during lengthening: effects of phosphate and Ca2+.

1. Mechanical properties of permeabilized single fibres from rabbit psoas and soleus muscle were determined by measuring the length responses due to abrupt changes in load and the force responses due to isovelocity length changes at different phosphate and Ca2+ concentrations. 2. The length responses due to abrupt increases in load from psoas fibres showed a rapid lengthening during the change in load followed by a phase of lengthening during which the velocity gradually decreased. In soleus fibres an abrupt lengthening during the change in load was followed by a phase of lengthening during which the velocity remained constant or decreased slightly for increases in load to less than 1.45 of the isometric force (F0). For larger increases in load the velocity during this later phase first increased and thereafter decreased. 3. The initial force‐velocity curve, derived from the early part of the isotonic responses after the change in load, as well as the late force‐velocity curve derived from the force level attained during isovelocity length changes, were sensitive to phosphate. Phosphate caused a shift of the absolute force‐velocity curves of both psoas and soleus fibres towards lower values of force. In psoas fibres, the relative force‐velocity curves derived by normalization of the force level to the force developed isometrically was shifted by phosphate to smaller velocities. In soleus fibres, the initial velocity at low and intermediate relative loads (less than 1.75 F0) was increased by phosphate but at higher loads it decreased, while the late force‐velocity curve showed an overall decrease in velocity. 4. The force responses during isovelocity lengthening of psoas fibres showed an early rapid increase in force followed by a slow rise in force. The position of this break point in force was sensitive to the phosphate concentration. In soleus fibres, the force responses without phosphate showed an overshoot followed by a slow rise in force. The overshoot diminished with increasing phosphate concentration. 5. Phosphate and Ca2+ affected the force responses in psoas and soleus fibres in different ways. When the isometric starting levels were the same, force during and after the length change at submaximal activation was always less than at maximal activation in the presence of 15 mM‐phosphate. 6. The changes in the mechanical performance during lengthening caused by phosphate in psoas as well as in soleus fibres, are in agreement with a decrease in the average force per attached crossbridge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)