The fairness concern is introduced into a closed-loop supply chain, which includes a manufacturer and a retailer. This paper study the effect of fairness concern on wholesale price, retail price, recycling prices, manufacturer profits and retails profits under two situation: only the manufacturer is fairness concern and only the retailer is fairness concern. Studies show that: Retailer’s fairness concern will reduce the price of the wholesale price, while the retail price and the recycling price unchanged, which led to the retailer to get more supply chain profits. Manufacturers’ fairness concerns will raise the wholesale price, thereby increasing the manufacturer’s supply chain profit, and the retailer’s profit is compromised.
Tony Haitao Cui,et al.
Fairness and Channel Coordination
Manag. Sci..
Yongjian Li,et al.
Channel leadership, performance and coordination in closed loop supply chains
D. Kahneman,et al.
CHAPTER EIGHT. Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking: Entitlements in the Market
Elena Katok,et al.
Fairness and Coordination Failures in Supply Chain Contracts
Luk N. Van Wassenhove,et al.
Closed - Loop Supply Chain Models with Product Remanufacturing
Manag. Sci..