An Aphytis Complex (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of Chaff Scale

Records on chaff scale, Parlatoria pergandii Comstock, for 34-40 months (1956-59) at 7 locations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley showed the percentage of live adult scale on citrus generally increased during the June-September period. Parasitism percentages were generally greater during the October-February period while theie was a tendency for percentage parasitism to be smaller in the May-August period. The percentage of adult females with immature parasites was greater during the August-October period and small during the January-March period. The latter record gave a good indication of parasite activity, or live parasite to live scale ratio, and the possible influence that might be expected on the chaff scale population. The predominant chaff scale parasite in this area was an Aphytis sp. of the “ proclia complex” as determined by pupal charcateristics. Other Aphytis spp. were found, although difficulty in identification prevented evaluation of their relative importance. An Aphytis complex was therefore considered. Prospaltella fasciata Malenotti was of incidental importance.