The Samsung and University of Edinburgh’s submission to IWSLT17
[1] Philipp Koehn,et al. Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation , 2005, MTSUMMIT.
[2] William D. Lewis,et al. Intelligent Selection of Language Model Training Data , 2010, ACL.
[3] Andreas Eisele,et al. MultiUN: A Multilingual Corpus from United Nation Documents , 2010, LREC.
[4] Rico Sennrich,et al. MT-based Sentence Alignment for OCR-generated Parallel Texts , 2010, AMTA.
[5] Mauro Cettolo,et al. WIT3: Web Inventory of Transcribed and Translated Talks , 2012, EAMT.
[6] Marc'Aurelio Ranzato,et al. Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks , 2012, NIPS.
[7] Kenneth Heafield,et al. N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl , 2014, LREC.
[8] Quoc V. Le,et al. Addressing the Rare Word Problem in Neural Machine Translation , 2014, ACL.
[9] Yann LeCun,et al. Deep learning with Elastic Averaging SGD , 2014, NIPS.
[10] Yoshua Bengio,et al. Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate , 2014, ICLR.
[11] Philipp Koehn,et al. Findings of the 2015 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation , 2015, WMT@EMNLP.
[12] Peter Bell,et al. Punctuated transcription of multi-genre broadcasts using acoustic and lexical approaches , 2016, 2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT).
[13] Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt,et al. The University of Edinburgh’s systems submission to the MT task at IWSLT , 2018, IWSLT.
[14] Rico Sennrich,et al. Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units , 2015, ACL.
[15] Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt,et al. Is Neural Machine Translation Ready for Deployment? A Case Study on 30 Translation Directions , 2016, IWSLT.
[16] Jörg Tiedemann,et al. OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles , 2016, LREC.
[17] Rico Sennrich,et al. Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data , 2015, ACL.
[18] Rico Sennrich,et al. Regularization techniques for fine-tuning in neural machine translation , 2017, EMNLP.
[19] Rico Sennrich,et al. The University of Edinburgh’s Neural MT Systems for WMT17 , 2017, WMT.
[20] Rico Sennrich,et al. Deep architectures for Neural Machine Translation , 2017, WMT.
[21] Rico Sennrich,et al. Nematus: a Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation , 2017, EACL.
[22] Peter Bell,et al. Sequence-to-sequence models for punctuated transcription combining lexical and acoustic features , 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
[23] Mauro Cettolo,et al. Overview of the IWSLT 2017 Evaluation Campaign , 2017, IWSLT.