VISC: cardiotocographic signals visualization system

VISC is a program for the visualization of monodimensional cardiotocographic signals. The aim of such a system is the acquisition of cardiotocographic tracings to digitalize the fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine activity (UA) signals. These signals are then fedinto theantenatalexpertsystem NST-EXPERT, which perfoms the diagnosis. prognosis and therapy of the fetal state based on thenons b a s test. VISC supplies information to two different NST-EXPERT subsystems: a) the diagnostic module of the expert system and b) an artificial neural network (ANN) that works as a reassuring method of the former. Both subsystems constitute the diagnostic unit of the hybrid antenatal expert system. VISC will be integrated with this hybrid system. being its output the digitalized m A signals.