Managing urban water supply.
Table of Tables. Table of Figures. Preface. Contributors. 1. Introduction D.E. Agthe, R.B. Billings, N. Buras. 2. Hydrology and Water Supply N. Buras. 3. Price Rationing D.E. Agthe, R.B. Billings. 4. Water Supply Economics B. Dziegielewski. 5. Elasticity of Demand for Water Resource Managers D.E. Agthe, R.B. Billings. 6. Water Transactions as an Urban Water Supply Strategy B.G. Colby. 7. Market Structure and Price Regulation D.E. Agthe. 8. Industrial and Commercial Water Demands S. Renzetti. 9. Public Drinking Water in the United States R. Levin. 10. Water System Organization and Financial Decision Making R.B. Billings. 11. Drinking Water Disinfection in the United States: Balancing Infectious Disease, Cancer and Costs, Market and Nonmarket Failures R. Levin, M.A.R. Kleiman. 12. Effects of Land Subsidence in the Greater Houston Area D.L. Galloway, L. Coplin, S. Ingebritsen. 13. Solving Groundwater Overdraft in Arizona Urban Areas D.E. Agthe, R.B. Billings. 14. Urban Water in Israel Y. Kislev. 15. The British Experience K.F. Clarke. 16. Concluding Remarks D.E. Agthe, R.B. Billings, N. Buras. Index.