Efficient and QoS Guaranteed Data Transport in Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks

iii To my family for their tremendous love, support, and belief in me. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor, Dr. John A. Copeland, for his valuable guidance and support throughout this research. Besides providing excellent academic guidance, he has been incredibly encouraging, supportive and patient. It has been a great pleasure to have him as an advisor. reviewing this dissertation and providing constrictive comments. I am grateful to all the members of the Communications Systems Center (CSC) for their friendship. Conversations with the colleagues made me cheerful and technical discussions helped me to progress in this work. Special thanks goes to Cherita Corbett and Kulsoom Abdullah for their help, especially during the last stage of this work. Many thanks go to Dr. Raheem Beyah at Georgia State University, an alumnus of CSC, for his concern about my career as well as my research. I also thank to Ms. Kathy Cheek who has greatly helped me in administrative affairs. Finally, I would like to give the deepest gratitude to my family. I am grateful to my parents, parents-in-law, sisters and brothers for their unlimited support, encouragement, and belief in me. Special thanks are due to my husband, Chang-Ho Lee, and my son,

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