Connected commercial vehicles — retrofit safety device kit project : safety applications and development plan.
Connected vehicle wireless data communications can enable safety applications that may reduce injuries and fatalities. Cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) safety applications will be effective only if a high fraction of vehicles are equipped. Deployment of V2V technology will be enhanced if it is available not only for manufacturing in new vehicles but also for retrofit to existing vehicles. The objective of the Connected Commercial Vehicles—Retrofit Safety Device (CCV-RSD) Kit Project was to develop complete hardware and software that can be used in various brands and models of heavy trucks. The RSD kits provide the functionality needed for cooperative V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) safety applications to support the Model Deployment and other USDOT connected vehicle projects. This project included testing and documentation needed for installation, operation, enhancement, and maintenance of the units. These retrofit kits were built so they could be installed in existing class 6, 7, or 8 trucks. The RSD kits achieved a V2V and V2I functionality similar to that of the Connected Commercial Vehicles—Integrated Truck (CCV-IT) vehicles, where onboard equipment was integrated with newly manufactured truck tractors. This document describes application requirements for CCV-RSD safety applications, including Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), Blind Spot Warning (BSW), Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL), and Curve Speed Warning (CSW). Safety applications based on these requirements were subsequently implemented in the CCV-RSD program as an adaptation of a preexisting system developed for Light Vehicles and the CCV-IT program.