Potential application of pyrolysis for the effective valorisation of the end of life tires in Greece

abstract Used tires (UTs) are an abandon sol id waste in Greece and worldwidewhich can be effectively transformed to valuable products and energyvia pyrolysis. In this study, current status of both European and GreekLegislation on waste management with a special insight in tires isreported. The established Joint Alternative Management System(JAMS) for the alternative management of tires is described, alongwith the adopted valorization routes. The adopted Energy recoveryroutes in Greece are discussed with focus on pyrolysis. The maindrawbacks of pyrolysis are identified and solutions are proposed fortheir effective implementation in the near future. Tires energy andmaterial recovery are particularly favorable, with substantial benefitsof energy savings, material recovery and high added materialsproduction. Based on the existing extensive expertise in the pyrolysisof tires, an effort was made in order to identify the non-technicalbarriers for the further exploitation of pyrolysis as a promisingvalorization route in Greece. A SWOT analysis was further developedfor the comparison of pyrolysis with combustion and the results arealso presented.& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.