Building Gui database applications with JavaBeans and JDBC: tutorial presentation
Applied database management systems (DBMS) courses that require relational database projects can present formidable challenges to both students and instructors. Students assume the twin responsibilities of (1) learning major theoretical concepts (the relational model, data modeling, database design, and standard structured query language (SQL) while (2) mastering the syntax and semantics of a specific complex technology (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server). Dealing with the project problem domain also adds to demands on student time and understanding. Consequently, instructors are increasingly challenged to organize course content, technology instruction, and project resources so that students can complete non-trivial course projects in a reasonable time frame.This tutorial will introduce a jump-start strategy used both for instruction and to guide student project development in three applied computer information systems courses. Students enrolled in an introductory DBMS course complete individual GUI client/server projects. Database skills and understanding developed in this course are then applied to more substantive 2- and 3-tier individual projects in an advanced DBMS course and team projects in an introductory software engineering course. The tutorial will focus on examples from the introductory DBMS course.