The Control Theory Manager: Combining the Control Theory of William Glasser With the Wisdom of W. Edwards Deming to Explain Both What Quality is and What Lead-Managers Do to Achieve It

This volume combines the author's control theory with the wisdom of W. Edwards Deming to explain both what quality actually is and what managers need to do to achieve it. It presents a revolutionary new management style that could help all American businesses achieve maximum quality. The book explains that while many American managers are well aware that they are losing market share to foreign competition, especially to Japanese companies that have embraced Dr Deming's ideas, they seem unable to put these same ideas into practice in the US. Glasser teaches that to achieve quality, managers must use control theory in order to practice a new way to manage called "lead-management". Only workers who are lead-managed will consistently do the quality work so urgently needed. If many of the present economic difficulties are based on the fact that Americans do not buy enough of their own products, because foreign products offer better quality for the price, managing workers so that they do quality work is the only answer. William Glasser is the author of "Control Theory", "Reality Therapy" and "The Quality School".