software updates, reasonable quality assurance , responsive bug fixes, and good technical support. Also, having freely available source code addresses two typical concerns with using COTS components: unknown implementation quality and long-term vendor support. Despite the open source drawbacks—prin-cipally, the lack of architectural, design, and behavioral knowledge that comes with custom built software—the use of such components in commercial software development is rising. 1 For example, network security appliances designed to do firewalling, intrusion detection , and other such functions often rely extensively on open source operating systems and utilities. As the " Example Applications " sidebar shows, many other products include open source components as well. Nonetheless, open source components raise a spectrum of issues, from requirements negotiation to product selection and product integration. Researchers have proposed several struc-tured, formal, or semiformal selection procedures 2 that suggest various attributes to consider when choosing an open source component. However, there's no empirical analysis of open source component use or of how commercial developers choose a component. Moreover, researchers have yet to formalize open source software use in commercial software development as an established practice. O pen source software provides organizations with new options for component-based development. As with commercial off-the-shelf software, project developers acquire open source components from a vendor (or a community) and use them " as is " or with minor modifications. Although they have access to the component's source code, developers aren't required to do anything with it. If the component's community is large and active, the adopting organization can expect frequent open source
D. L. Parnas,et al.
On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules
Software Pioneers.
Alan W. Brown.
Component-Based Software Engineering: Selected Papers from the Software Engineering Institute
Jyrki Kontio,et al.
A case study in applying a systematic method for COTS selection
Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Engineering.
Barry W. Boehm,et al.
COTS Integration: Plug and Pray?
Donald K. Rosenberg.
Open Source: The Unauthorized White Papers
Chen Wang,et al.
Open Source Software Adoption: A Status Report
IEEE Softw..
Patricia K. Lawlis,et al.
A Formal Process for Evaluating COTS Software Products
J. Tirole,et al.
Some Simple Economics of Open Source
M. Fink,et al.
The Business and Economics of Linux and Open Source
David M. Nichols,et al.
Usability and open source software.
Edward Kelly.
Open Source Software Licensing