Global roadmap for ceramics and glass technology
Preface. A Global Roadmap for Ceramics (Stephen Freiman). PART 1. INTERNATIONAL TRENDS AND BUSINESS PERSPECTIVES. International Trends and Business Perspectives Overview (Jeffrey D. Smith). Ceramic Technology Development at Kyocera (Kazuo Inamori). Kyocera's Vision for the Future (Rod Lanthorne). The New Global Business Model for Technology Companies (Henry Kressel). Research and Development of Fine Ceramics-Roadmaps in Japan and Strategies in NIMS (Eiji Muromachi and Teruo Kishi). Programs and Progress of Advanced Ceramic Materials Research and Development in China (Jianbao Li). The UK's Structural Ceramics Network (Julie A Yeomans). Industrial Ceramics-History, Trends, and Implications for the Future (Rakesh Kapoor and Kevin J. Gray). Perspective from the Association of American Ceramic Components Manufacturers (Lora Cooper Saiber). Prospects for Ceramic Technology in United Technologies Corporation (Jodi Vecchiarelli). PART 2. INNOVATION AND INVENTION. Innovation and Invention Overview (John R. Hellmann). Measurement Science and Technology for Ceramics Innovations (Debra L. Kaiser and Robert F. Cook). Opportunities for Ceramic Education in a Materials World (K. T. Faber). Ceramics at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-Trends and Opportunities (Lynnette D. Madsen). Linking Productivity Analysis and Innovation for Materials and Energy-A Common Platform Approach (J. A. Sekhar, C. Yerramilli, and John Dismukes). Patenting Ceramic-Related Inventions in the United States and Internationally in the Twenty-First Century (Robert J. Sayre). Innovative Technology from Promising to Practical-The Role of Standards (Stephen Freiman and George Quinn). PART 3. BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. Ceramics in Biology and Medicine Overview (Linn W. Hobbs). Challenges for Bioceramics in the 21st Century (Julian R. Jones and Larry L. Hench). Applications of Photonics and Ceramics to Health Care-The Future Has Begun (Grady White). Laser-Assisted Rapid Prototyping of Dental Components in the SiO2-Al2O3 System (Andre Gahler, Jens Gunster, and Jurgen G. Heinrich). The Future of Glass-Ceramics as Biomaterials (W. Holand and V. Rheinberger). Bio-Prosthesis-A New Concept Based on Hybrid Composites (Anna Tampieri). Bioactive Glass Tissue Scaffolds and Their Three-Dimensional Characterization (Julian R. Jones). PART 4. CONSUMER PRODUCTS. Consumer Products Overview (John R. Hellmann). Future for Ceramics for Consumer Products (Somnuk Sirisoonthorn). Importance of the Ceramics Industry in Mexico (Yoshito Mitani, Jose Antonio Salas-Tellez, Jose Manuel Juarez-Garcia, and Froylan Martinez-Suarez). PART 5. ELECTRONICS. Electronics Overview (Martin L. Green and Robert F. Cook). Integration and Process Strategies for Ceramics in Advanced Microsystems (Duane B. Dimos, Nelson S. Bell, Joseph Cesarano III, Paul G. Clem, Kevin G. Ewsuk, Terry J. Garino, and Bruce A. Tuttle). Nonvolatile Memory and Recent News of RFCPU on Glass Substrate (Shunpei Yamazaki). Trends in Research and Development on Microwave Materials for Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics (Hiroshi Tamura, Jun Harada, and Yasutaka Sugimoto). Semiconductor Processing-The Use of Advanced Ceramics (Donald Bray). Ceramic Technology and Nanotechnology Combine (Alan Rae). Present and Future Challenges in Multilayer Ceramic Devices (C. A. Randall, G. Yang, E. Dickey, R.E. Eitel, T.R. Shrout, M.T.Lanagan, D. Kwon, E. Semouchkina, G. Semouchkin, A. Baker, H. Nagata, J. Wang, S. Trolier-McKinstry, and S. Rhee). Trends in Ferroelectric/Piezoelectric Ceramics (Nava Setter). Ceramics in Packaging (Brian Sundlof and Benjamin Fasano). Nanoparticle Engineering For Next-Generation Poly Isolation Chemical Mechanical Planarizaion in ULSI Process (Sang-Kyun Kim and Ungyu Paik, and Jae-Gun Park). PART 6. ENERGY. Ceramics in Energy Applications Overview (Mrityunjay Singh). Background and Progress of Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Bearing Applications (Katsutoshi Komeya and Junichi Tatami). Ceramics in Energy and Environmental Applications in Australia (Sukhvinder P.S. Badwal, Martin A. Green, Janusz Nowotny, and Charles C. Sorrell). The Ceramic Revolution May Yet Arrive, Ushered in by Nanotechnology (Keith A. Blakely). Making Ceramics Ductile and Able to Carry Large Electrical Currents (James G. Daley). Prospectus on the Future of High-Critical-Temperature Superconducting Ceramics (Victor A. Maroni). Solid Oxide Fuel Cells-The Future of Power Generation (Pavadee Aungkavattana). Ceramic Materials and Systems for the Commercialization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Michael Stelter, Mihail Kusnezoff, and Alexander Michaelis). Fuel Cells-Has Their Time Finally Come? (David W. Richerson). The Role of Ceramics in a Resurgent Nuclear Industry (John Marra, Jon Carmack, Charles Henager, Jr., William E. Lee, Kurt Sickafus, Chris Stanek, Lance Snead, and Steven Zinkle). Hidden Ceramics in Energy and Transport Sectors-Current Status and Roadmap for the Future (G. Sundararajan, U.S. Hareesh, R. Johnson, and Y.R. Mahajan). PART 7. ENVIRONMENT. Environment Overview (Costa Sideridis).Product Stewardship-Another Tool For Driving Business Excellence (William P. Kelly and Dean E.Venturin). Geopolymers-Low-Energy and Environmentally Sound Materials (Dan S. Perera). Development of Photocatalysts for Commercial Application (Soo Wohn Lee and Huang Chen). Current and Potential Contribution of Ceramic Technology to Achieving Sustainable Development (William E. Lee, Aldo R. Boccaccini, Joao A. Labrincha, Cristina Leonelli, Charles H. Drummond III, and Christopher R. Cheeseman). Photocatalyst Materials for Environmental Protection (Toshiya Watanabe and Naoya Yoshida). The Environmental Performances of Modern Ceramic Manufacture and Products, Used as Competitiveness Factors-The Experience of European and Italian Ceramic Tile Industry (G. Timellini, C. Palmonari, and A. Fregni, R. Resca). Photocatalysts Working Under Visible Light Irradiation (Lian Gao and Songwang Yang). PART 8. GLASS AND TRANSPARENT CERAMIC MATERIALS. Glass and Transparent Ceramic Materials Overview (Gary Fischman). Advances in Technical Glasses (David L. Morse). Basic Research Benefiting the Glass Industry (Herve H. Arribart). Use of Early "Maps" to Guide Us Along the Road to a Stronger Glass of the Future (C.R. Kurkjian and W.R. Prindle). Glass-Introducing Our Society to a New Material Age: Clues to Producing Ultrastrong Glass (John T. Brown). Challenges and Future of Glass Melting Technology (Helmut A. Schaeffer). E-Field Enhanced Processes for the Preparation of Nanomaterials (Rolf Clasen). Development of the HiLight Transparent Ceramic Scintillator for Computed Tomography Medical Imaging (Steven J. Duclos, Robert Lyons, Robert Riedner, Hauchuan Jiang, and David M. Hoffman). Transparent Polycrystalline Ceramics (Marina R. Pascucci). Challenges for Overcoming Brittleness of Glass (Setsuro Ito). PART 9. MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS AND PROCESSING. Multiple Applications and Processing Overview (Thomas W. Coyle). Innovative Products and Processes Based on Piezoelectric Ceramic Fibers (Richard Cass, Farhad Mohammadi, and Stephen Leschin). Nanoceramics-Challenges and Accomplishments (Vladimir D. Krstic). Development and Properties of Ultrahigh-Temperature Ceramics-Opportunities and Barriers to Applications (Alida Bellosi and Gian Nicola Babini). Progress in Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Their Future Perspective (Toshihiro Ishikawa). Prospective and Recent Development on Advanced Inorganic Materials and Their Applications in the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (Hongjie Luo). Low-Cost, High-Performance, Epitaxial Ceramic Films on Artificial Substrates for Energy and Electronic Applications (Amit Goyal). Thermal Plasma Deposition of Ceramic Coatings (Thomas W. Coyle). PART 10. TRANSPORTATION. Transportation Overview (Costa Sideridis). Applications of Ceramics for Gas Turbine Engines (Mark van Roode). Ceramic Research and Successes in Diesel Engines (Thomas M. Yonushonis, Randall Stafford, William Mandler, and Joe Bentz). Index.