An extended entity-relationship model for organizational knowledge management
Analyzing discrepancies between interpretations of organizational knowledge is central to research in organizational learning support. Such research has largely focused on representations of individual belief systems. As a result, this line of research is often oriented more towards analysis at the group- or collective-level than at the organization-level. For this research to be more truly organizational it must be able to accommodate attributes which are characteristic of organizations.
A characteristic attribute of organizations is the ability to own, manage, and leverage resources. Unlike groups or collectives, organizations possess significantly more and significantly more powerful resources that can enable or constrain the belief systems of its members. The inclusion of the attributes of knowledge resource ownership and leverage into organizational learning support research is one way of differentiating such investigations as "organizational."
Incorporating this expanded notion of organizational knowledge greatly complicates the research tasks of acquiring, storing, and manipulating representations of knowledge structures for organizational learning support. Tools are required to manage this increased complexity. The development of tools to address this complexity is described in the following research. The research will proceed in three steps, with each step reported in a separate manuscript. The first manuscript will leverage information systems research concerning the application of abstraction and type casting towards the unification of disparate types of organizational knowledge. The second manuscript will describe an extended entity-relationship model for an organizational learning support systems. Finally, the third manuscript will investigate the use of heuristics for detecting unexpected and actionable patterns of knowledge within information systems-based organizational memory.