The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a transport layer protocol which can support mobility through its multi-homing feature. SCTP's mobility support can be subdivided into 2 areas: path performance evaluation and switch implementation. As a transport layer protocol, SCTP's path performance evaluation is limited by its end-to-end network view. In modern heterogeneous networks, it is likely that the wireless access element of an end-to-end association is the point of performance degradation. SCTP's adherence to protocol boundaries abstracts the precision and meaning of performance metrics. In this paper, we analyze how the emerging cross layer switch management approach, Media Independent Handover (MIH), can be used to optimize path selection for metropolitan area wireless broadband networks. In such an environment line of sight can easily be obstructed, causing temporary path communication failure. We analyze the effectiveness of using Received Signal Strength (RSS) as a performance metric in order to trigger path migration through MIH Link Going Down events. Results are presented which illustrate that our MIH based approach has significant performance improvement over standard SCTP strategies.
Luca Vollero,et al.
Managing mobility and adaptation in upcoming 802.21 enabled devices
WMASH '06.
Lixia Zhang,et al.
Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Randall R. Stewart,et al.
Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Qazi Bouland Mussabbir,et al.
Optimized FMIPv6 handover using IEEE802.21 MIH services
MobiArch '06.
Wesley M. Eddy.
At what layer does mobility belong?
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Sherali Zeadally,et al.
Mobility Protocols for Handoff Management in Heterogeneous Networks
Tein-Yaw Chung,et al.
SCTP-based handoff based on MIH triggers information in campus networks
2006 8th International Conference Advanced Communication Technology.
Yoon-Young An,et al.
Reduction of Handover Latency Using MIH Services in MIPv6
20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications - Volume 1 (AINA'06).