: Translocation of photoassimilates was studied on 2-year-old trees of Fraxinus excelsior and Sorbus aucuparia using the short-lived isotope 11C. Leaflets of different leaves on the same plants were radiolabeled showing that both carbon distribution and speeds of transport may vary with leaf position. Within 2 h after pulse feeding with 11CO2, mainly the lower leaves distributed radiolabel to the roots in Fraxinus, whereas in Sorbus, the upper leaves were also involved. By repeated pulse applications to selected leaves, temporal profiles of 11C transport were followed on individual plants from April to October. Early in the season, within 2 h after pulse labelling, 30–40% of the fixed radiolabel was exported from leaves in Fraxinus and about 20% in Sorbus. Thereafter export started to decline, particularly in Fraxinus, and the distribution of radiolabel between stem and roots could alter depending on the position of the feed leaf. Speeds of translocation obtained along the rachis and stem showed high variability, but they did not necessarily slow down before the end of the season. The speeds monitored at the rachis of Fraxinus leaves (30–75 cm h−1) were generally lower than those found on Sorbus (50–130 cm h−1). As reported in the literature, the two tree species translocate different carbohydrates and show remarkable differences in the ultrastructure of their vascular systems. In that context it is interesting that the temporal profiles of 11C radioactivity obtained from F. excelsior and S. aucuparia could clearly be distinguished by their characteristic shapes. The results are discussed in terms of anatomical characteristics of the conducting tissues and possible differences in phloem loading.

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