For customer services
When DEQ was formed in 1993, the new agency was given a legislative mandate to be more customer friendly than the agencies that preceded it. Nine years later, the implementation of this mandate is reflected in the Customer Services activities of DEQ. The Oklahoma DEQ was the first agency in the nation to establish a Customer Services Division. The CSD provides assistance and outreach to citizens, business and local government in all of the environmental media programs. CSD also provides laboratory services to the agency and to outside customers including other state agencies, the state's public water supply systems and citizens with environmental concerns. Customer Services CSD is only one part of DEQ's customer services attitude. Customer service is reflected in a variety of ways including the following: Targeting permitting and compliance assistance to an industrial sector that has run afoul of the agency through both complaints and poor inspection reports; Helping Oklahoma grow and prosper by working with business recruiters to assure that new businesses locating here know what is needed to comply with environmental rules; Becoming a national leader in assisting local organizations to plan for response to environmental emergencies; Providing information to local residents about potentially harmful chemicals stored and used in their cities and towns; Participating in national volunteer monitoring programs designed to make us all more aware of our environment and man's impact upon it; and Developing recognition programs for businesses and towns that go the extra mile to prevent pollution.