General Report on Tunny: With Emphasis on Statistical Methods

This is a critical, learned edition of the General Report on Tunny with Emphasis on Statistical Methods (aka The Newmanry Report) prepared by I.J. Good (b.1916), Donald Michie (b.1923), and Geoffrey Timms (1903-1982) in 1945 and declassified in 2000. The first two went on to have distinguished public careers, the third worked at GCHQ. All three authors had been actively engaged in the work described in the Report.The Reportwas a technicalaccount ofwhat the team of cryptanalysts led by Max Newman did in their work at Bletchley Park during WWII and it was intended for the technical staff at successor institutions. Itwasprepared on a typewriter and has been released as photostatic copies. The editors of this critical editon, Whitfield Diffie, J.V. Field, and James A. Reed, have supervised its transcription into a carefullytypeset edition that is both historically faithful to the original text and provides helpful footnotes, endnotes, essays, and glossaries that will assist the modern reader in interpreting the report.