Apparatus and method for generating mac pdu in mobile communication system

Moving MAC (MAC) protocol data unit from a transmitting end of the communication system: A method to generate a (PDU protocol Data Unit), the method group and the process of confirming the MAC SDU each LCID (Logical Channel Identification) and each LCID determine the size of the set length field to generate a MAC header has a length field, one LCID and settings for the process and each MAC SDU to the length (length) setting the size of the field for the (Service Data Unit) each MAC SDU including the step of generating a MAC PDU by multiplexing the order sorting the MAC SDU and a MAC header generated by the process and of the length field of each MAC SDU to determine the size of the length field setter for each LCID size the process of setting up the first MAC to verify the process and the length of each of the multiplexed MAC SDU to check the total length of the MAC PDU to create and length is aligned with the process of alignment in order SDU big order Earlier in two aligned the size of the length field of the MAC SDU in order to set up from the second MAC SDU in the process and align set to the smallest natural number in order of magnitude to express the total length of the MAC PDU size of the length field one can express the length of the MAC SDU size of the order includes the process of setting the smallest natural number. MAC, MAC header, a length (Length) field, the MAC (MAC) protocol data unit (PDU: protocol Data Unit), MAC SDU (Service Data Unit)