Sensor Node Failure Detection Based On Round Trip Delay And Paths In Wsns

-A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has essential applications that are used in remote coincidental monitoring and destination tracking. In this paper we propose sensor node failure detection based on the trip delay and paths using wireless se nsor network. The architecture of a WSN may involves decidedly on the application and it must including some factor such as coincidental, the application archit ecture objectives, charge, fixtures, system restraint. Fau lt tolerance is the main crucial issues in wireless se nsor network. The future state that handle the lifetime of a sensor nodes abandon and it involves on the combine d with genetic algorithm. In the Fault Node Recovery algorithm which change the deactivated sensor nodes and used more reused finding way. In the reflection of Fault Recovery algorithm that recede the data loss rate by approximately 90% and reduces the rate of energy consumption by 70%.