DiPOLE: a scalable laser architecture for pumping multi-Hz PW systems

DiPOLE is a concept for a large aperture gas-cooled cryogenic multislab DPSSL amplifier based on ceramic Yb:YAG. It is designed to amplify ns-pulses at multi-Hz repetition rates and is scalable up the kJ-level. The concept was first tested on a small scale prototype which has so far produced 7.4 J at 10 Hz, with the aim of reaching 10 J at an optical-to-optical efficiency of 25 %. The design of an additional amplifier stage producing 100 J at 10 Hz is underway. When used to pump short-pulse Ti:S or OPCPA systems, PW peak power levels can be produced at repetition rates and efficiencies that lie orders of magnitude above what is achievable today.