Experimental stations in facilities like Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers produce very large data sets. With access to distributed computing paradigms and Grid infrastructures, the data are processed on-line. This requires considerable computing power and storage requirements. Moreover, the constant advances in sensors, detectors, and light source technologies yield frequent upgrades of the instrumentation and proportional increase of the computing requirements. Other than the computing needs, a key-point for successful experiments is the efficient collaboration between the involved scientists and their convenient access to the research facilities. A viable solution is developing suitable infrastructures that allow remote operation of the experimental facilities. We focus on the importance of the transparent integration of instruments in the traditional Grid. Such capability boosts further the concept of remote operation, on-line & off-line processing, and builds collaborative and distributed virtual research environments. Building on the foundations of previous European projects, the aim of DORII (Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure) (1) is to develop and operate an infrastructure that addresses this issue and supports multiple activities of eScience. We will describe how we have applied the DORII infrastructure on remote operations and on-line & off-line processing in a synchrotron radiation facility.
Salvatore Orlando,et al.
The many faces of the integration of instruments and the grid
Int. J. Web Grid Serv..
Kenneth Chiu,et al.
The Common Instrument Middleware Architecture
Jos B. T. M. Roerdink,et al.
Data-parallel tomographic reconstruction: A comparison of filtered backprojection and direct Fourier reconstruction
Parallel Comput..
C. Brau,et al.
Free-electron lasers
S. Deans.
The Radon Transform and Some of Its Applications
Jack J. Dongarra,et al.
A message passing standard for MPP and workstations
Avinash C. Kak,et al.
Principles of computerized tomographic imaging
Classics in applied mathematics.
A. Curri,et al.
Adapting the Instrument Element to Support a Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure
Luca Chittaro,et al.
A Web-based Tool for Collaborative Access to Scientific Instruments in Cyberinfrastructures
D. McRee.
Practical Protein Crystallography
Dieter Kranzlmüller,et al.
Debugging MPI Programs on the Grid using g-Eclipse
Parallel Tools Workshop.