A new protocol conformance test generation method and experimental results

The purpose of the protocol conformance testing is to ensure that protocol implementations are consistent with their specifications [6]. After the U-method was introduced [1], several test methods based on the UIO sequences which were the main concept in the U-method have been proposed, namely, the RCP-method [2], MUIO-method [3], MUIO with overlapping method [4], B-method [5]. As we known, the length and quality of a test sequence are the two main factors which affect the applications of these testing techniques. A good testing sequence must be short and have wide fault coverage [5], In this paper, a new method, the C-UIO method, is presented and compared with other methods based on the experimental results. Our experimental results show that the MUIO with overlapping method generates the poorest test sequences whereas the C-UIO method produces the best test sequences among these methods, A detail analysis of the results is also given.