Förslag till ett ramverk för att evaluera funktionalitet i eCommerce-plattformar
In this thesis we have developed a framework of features associated with eCommerce platforms and then defined them. Thanks to our interviews with eCommerce-developers, we have been able to define multiple eCommerce features with the focus on an owner’s perspective. Much of the previous research in the area, takes a user perspective when the functionality of eCommerce-platforms have been assessed and evaluated. We have therefore taken an owner’s perspective in the evaluation of eCommerce platforms and therefore produced a suggested framework with key features associated with the owner's functions. Subsequently derived the twelve identified features to the previous research by existing theory about the customer's shopping experience and functionality, to demonstrate its relevance in reality. But in order to better be able to prove that an assessment can be done of the features in the framework, we have created a framework of criteria by using QSOS to evaluate the features. The criterias we had created in the QSOS framework was then tested iteratively against two eCommerce platforms to validate if it was functioning criterias and thus possible to assess. We can in our work, conclude that the features in the framework we developed, fits into existing categorization of features from previous research and is of importance in the business processes that the features actually represents in a eCommerce platform.