Fully integrated driver power supply for insulated gate transistors

Nowadays, MOSFET and IGBT driver supplies are a great source of interest, mainly for two reasons: the need for high side transistor isolated driver supplies (mid and high power) and massive, low cost, MOSFET applications (home appliance). In order to remove the external floating power supply, necessary to power supply the driver of an insulated gate transistor (especially when its source is floating or at high voltage levels), we purpose to detail, in this article, a solution that integrates, in the same substrate, few supplementary parts, and as consequence, allows to create the necessary floating power supply. The added circuit operational characteristics have already been outlined and a special focus will be made on its full integration. Firstly, the paper recalls how its specific operating mode impacts on the design of its components. Then the technological and electrical compatibilities among all parts, within the main switch, will be outlined. After that, simulation and practical results are shown, according to that with no complex process flow modification, a floating power supply for insulated gate transistor is created (for static and dynamic operations)

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