Use and acceptance of new technology by older people. Findings of the international MOBILATE survey: ???Enhancing mobility in later life???

Technology has become part of today’s life. It constitutes a fundamental aspect of the environment also for older people who are not familiar with most of the new technologies. Is their use of technology based on certain abilities and is this related with such factors as income, lack of alternatives, past performance, or availability of equipment? Methods The MOBILATE 2000 database of a survey conducted in 5 European countries was aimed at the enhancement of out-of-home mobility of older people. The project offers data describing the use and acceptance of new technologies. Insight can be gained into the characteristics of users and non-users of more or less common technologies like ATM, ticket dispensers, and PIN payments. Results Findings show that in the present generation of people aged 55 years and older, the share of users for most technologies (PC, internet, electronic banking) is low, but these users are rather satisfied with these. Commonly available technologies like ATM or PIN-payment are used by many older persons. Their experiences are mostly positive. Ticket dispensers are most used by public transport users, but these machines are rather complicated even for the users. Apparently, elderly people feel barriers to start using new technologies. A high educational level, a high income, and a good health offer good conditions for overcoming these barriers.